In a major breakthrough, Kishtwar Police executed a crackdown against Rohingyas found to be illegally residing in the Dachhan area, leading to the registration of FIR 22/2023 under sections 420/467/468/471 of IPC at PS Dachhan. Kishtwar Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) disclosed that the investigation brought to light a sophisticated scheme where Rohingyas illegally obtained documents, including domicile certificates, ration cards, Aadhar cards, and voter cards. As part of the ongoing investigation, the police conducted house to house searches and uncovered incriminating materials.
Houses of Ghulam Mohd Sheikh s/o Abdullah Sheikh R/O Krosa Soundar Dachhan, Mushtaq Ahmed s/o Dilawar Sheikh R/O Krosa Soundar Dachhan, Shahnawaz s/o Ghulam Hassan Mageay R/O Soundar Dachhan, Kishtwar and Fayaz Ahmed Chopan s/o Ghulam Ahmed R/O Kiyar Dachhan were raided.