The CBI on Tuesday officially took over the probe into the Odisha train tragedy, as the railways put the official death toll in the Odisha triple train crash at 278. Khurda Road Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Rinkesh Ray told PTI that apart from 278 deaths, 1,100 people were injured in the June 2 accident.
On Sunday, the Railway Board had recommended a CBI probe into the Balasore train crash. According to authorities, the root cause is a change in the electronic interlocking system, which was most likely not a technical malfunction and required human intervention. A CBI investigation could look into potential motives or ignorance.
Given that the investigation may involve both human and technical aspects, it is a good aspect for CBI. In India, few government organizations are able to conduct complex technological investigations.
Despite their widespread use, there have been few instances of electronic interlocking systems failing on Indian Railways. So, the uncommon nature of the fault makes it a unique case for a complex inquiry.
If the issue of a sudden change in the interlocking system is left to a lower-level bureaucratic investigation, it could go unresolved for a long time, putting thousands more lives in danger. Handing over to CBI also solves a lot of jurisdiction and red tape issues.
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