Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday promised jobs to one lakh youth within six months of winning the 2022 Assembly polls in Uttarakhand and unemployment allowance for unemployed youth. He also announced that 80 per cent of jobs in the government and private sector will be given to the people of Uttarakhand. During his visit to Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, Kejriwal made several announcements on behalf of the AAP keeping in mind the youth and then undertook Tiranga Sankalp Yatra.
While addressing the media, Kejriwal questioned both Congress and BJP and said that the political parties have left no stone unturned to ruin Uttarakhand which was formed 21 years ago and have ‘looted the forests and mountains’.
“In the last few days, we have been planning with Ajay Kothiyal and the people of Uttarakhand about how schools and hospitals will be built, and employment will be provided in the state,” he added.
Kejriwal also said that providing 300 units of free electricity in Uttarakhand is the first point of their plan.
The Chief Minister also said that the youth of Uttarakhand has a lot of energy and the ones in the army show ‘amazing power’, “but, due to the plight of over 21 years here, the youth have left Uttarakhand and have migrated to other states.”
In a series of announcements, Kejriwal said that every unemployed youth in Uttarakhand will get employment and until then, one youth from every family will be given Rs 5,000 rupees per month. Kejriwal also announced the formation of a separate Ministry, Ministry of Employment and Migration Affairs, whose job will be to create employment opportunities and to make proper arrangements to bring back the people who have migrated.
Before Kejriwal’s announcement, the AAP CM candidate for Uttarakhand, Colonel Ajay Kothiyal said that he has been given the responsibility to go from place to place and discuss the issues with the people here.
“Presently, the youth have no future to look at. Recently, the government outsourced the recruitment of jobs in one of its departments. Even I applied for the same and was hired as a watchman at a salary of Rs 8,500,” Kothiyal said.