Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday announced that the Delhi government will set up an online portal ‘Delhi Bazaar’ to boost businesses in the national capital.
Under this initiative, Delhi will soon have its own e-marketplace where every small and big entrepreneur will have their own e-commerce store. Highlighting that ‘Delhi bazaar’ will give global online identity to entrepreneurs of Delhi, the Chief Minister said, “Delhi Bazaar will be a state-of-the-art pathbreaking portal that will give a global online identity to entrepreneurs of Delhi and through the portal, shoppers will be able to go on virtual walkthroughs of Delhi’s markets, buy any product they like from their home itself.”
Delhi government is developing a website called ‘Delhi Bazaar’, wherein each and every entrepreneur of Delhi will get to have their own online shop. Through this initiative, one will be able to showcase all their products and services on this portal which will help them reach countless people not just from Delhi or India but the entire world, said the Office of Delhi’s Chief Minister in a statement.
While talking about the virtual bazaars which would be developed on the said portal, the Chief Minister said, “Take for instance the famous Khan Market of Delhi, there will be an online Khan Market on this portal as well. One will be able to go on a virtual walkthrough on this portal and get the feel of the Khan Market on their phone or computer itself. Right from Lajpat Nagar and Sarojini Nagar Markets to the small DDA markets inside colonies will be present in a virtual avatar on Delhi Bazaar.”
Further talking about the merits of the portal the Chief Minister said, “Imagine the kind of experience consumers will have when they can virtually visit any market, find a shop on it and shop from the retailer directly through the portal. This portal is going to bring even the smallest of the businesses of Delhi to a global scale. Even someone sitting in America will be able to virtually walk around the Hauz Khas market and buy something from the shops there. This will all be direct to the consumer, you can search for a certain shop or a product and all options will be there in front of you.”
Highlighting the business to business aspect of the portal, he said, “Suppose some businessperson from the UK wants to buy Indian antiques, they can go to our portal, look for the antiques and order in bulk quantities as well. Say the person needs 200 or even 1000 antiques, they will directly be able to reach a business of Delhi and it through the portal.”
The portal will further make it possible to hold unique online exhibitions, instead of limiting an exhibition to a fixed area and a fixed number of people, this portal will promote endless opportunities for even the most niche products.