BJP’s National President Jagat Prakash Nadda will visit Rajasthan on Thursday for a one-day tour. During this visit, he will participate in various programs. He will arrive at Jaipur Airport at 10 a.m., where BJP state officials and workers will welcome him. After that, at 10:30 a.m., he will release the BJP manifesto at the BJP state media centre. In the afternoon, National President Jagat Prakash Nadda will address two public meetings in Mahuwa and Sikrai in Dausa. After that, in the evening, he will participate in various meetings and programs in Jaipur.
In addition to Nadda, BJP’s star campaigners Smriti Irani and Nitin Gadkari will also embark on their one-day Rajasthan visits on Thursday. Smriti Irani will address a public meeting in support of BJP candidate Gopal Sharma while Gadkari will address a meeting in Jhotwara in support of BJP candidate Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore.
Earlier, on 7 November, Union Home Minister Amit Shah addressed a rally in Rajasthan’s Kuchaman and slammed Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, saying he has crossed “all limits of appeasement” and asked the people of the state to uproot the Congress government. He also attacked Gehlot over the issue of corruption and termed his government as the most corrupt.
Attacking the Congress, Shah said the party stalled the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya for 70 years and PM Modi performed its bhumipujan.