Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has hit the theatres today. Many fans took to Twitter to express their views on the film. One of the users wrote, “MUST WATCH! MUST WATCH! #Jawan has crossed Hollywood level of action 1000 cr #JawanReview.” While another person stated, “#Atlee has delivered a masterpiece, blend of emotion and mass action This year belongs to the baadhshah #ShahRukhKhan DON’T MISS IT !!” A fan called the film an “epic Blockbuster.”
‘Jawan’ is helmed by Atlee. The film stars SRK alongside Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. Apparently, SRK has a double role in the film, which also has a cameo by Deepika Padukone. It will be released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
Check out the tweets below
Fan War Aside #Jawan: SRK's Magnum Opus Unleashes Explosive Brilliance! 🔥From the very first frame, Jawan propels you into a world of high-stakes patriotism and heart-pounding action.🔥 nothing short of a cinematic masterpiece🔥🔥
COMMERCIAL CINEMA 💯#JawanReview #Atlee— Sandeep Pathak⛳ (@iPandit_Pathak) September 7, 2023
#Jawan was a best theatre experience ever. I'm sure they've given their best. #Atlee Style of Elevations. Anirudh that Elevate the Scenes into Next Level.!❤️🔥#VijaySethupathi #ShahRukhKhan𓃵#JawanReview @iamsrk @Atlee_dir
— MOHD JUNAID» (@Junuhere) September 7, 2023
#JawanReview : Movie of the Year!
This is what happens when the brilliance of South meets the stardom of North. Atlee and SRK have managed to pull off one of the best action movies this country has produced. #JawanReview
— Yash Jain (@YashJain2431) September 7, 2023
#Jawan Early Review
B L O C K B U S T E R: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️#Atlee has delivered a masterpiece, blend of emotion and mass action
This year belongs to the baadhshah #ShahRukhKhan𓃵 👑
DON'T MISS IT !!#JawanReview #JawanTsunamiTomorrow #JawanFirstDayFirstShow #Jawaan #SRK𓃵— MR.Reviewer (@review0813) September 7, 2023
The Intro🔥
The Interval💥
The Frenzy you’re witnessing on your timeline right now💯#SRK fans and mass movie lovers, welcome to the heroic world of #Atlee supported by the master of background score #Anirudh 🎵👏🏻#JawanReview— Mʀꜱ.Kᴇᴇʀᴛʜɪ (@MrsKeerthi85) September 7, 2023
#Jawan Second Half
Second half carries the tempo from the first half. A typical south indian movie that is well packaged to cater to Hindi audiences.
The second half has some very good moments 🔥!#JawanFDFS #JawanFirstDayFirstShow #Jawaan #JawanReview #JawanDay #JawaanReview
— FDFSLiveAus 🇦🇺 (@FDFSLiveAus) September 7, 2023
#JawanReview: Dumdaar Dialogs, dhamakedaar action,
SRK style romance, Nayanthara's screen presence and Vijay Sethupathi's impressive villain act make #Jawan a
BLOCKBUSTER film 100— VINAY (@vidya_304) September 7, 2023
Universal fact :
Shah Rukh Khan is 100 times better than all actors when he do romantic movies
Shah Rukh Khan is 10000 times better than all actors when he do mass entertaining movies
#JawanFirstDayFirstShow #Jawaan
— r (@iamrahull_) September 7, 2023
20 mins of #DeepikaPadukone in #Jawan and I am convinced that no one could have done this role better than her.
— $@M (@SAMTHEBESTEST_) September 7, 2023
Done with the show, decent story in Atlee style of social issues. SRK King Khan performance. Thunderous action sequ, Nayan visualization. Vijay looks in a fab role. Some comedy worked. ROCKSTAR Anirudh song, esp BGM terrific.
2023 is Baadshah Year, Overall HIT movie 3.0/5 #jawan— Peter Reviews (@urstrulyPeter) September 7, 2023