Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor has a lot of exciting films in her kitty. Speaking of which, she took to her official Instagram handle to announce her new project titled Ulajh. Today, Junglee Pictures has announced the casting of their upcoming film Ulajah. To be directed by very talented National award-winner Sudhanshu Saria, the makers have unveiled a cast headlined by Janhvi Kapoor, Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Mathew, Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi. The patriotic thriller is all set to go on floors by the end of this month.
Take a look at Janhvi Kapoor’s Instagram post
In the first look of the film, we can see Janhvi standing in the middle. She looks stunning in a saree. The film follows the journey of a young IFS officer, belonging to a prominent family of patriots, who gets embroiled in a dangerous personal conspiracy while far from her home turf, at a career-defining post.
Recently, the actress shared a video from a Pilates session on Instagram. The clip shows the actress doing multiple Pilates movements to burn off calories and sweat it out at the gym. In the caption, she wrote, “Love a good pilates sesh.”
Check out the video below
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