Union Minister Jitendra Singh launched India’s first saline water lantern, which uses seawater to power LED lamps.
According to the Ministry of Earth Science, Singh unveiled the first-of-its-kind lantern named “Roshni” during a visit to SAGAR ANVESHIKA, a Coastal Research Vessel, operated and used by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai for coastal research.
The Minister said that saline water lantern will bring “Ease of Living” to the poor and needy, particularly the fishing community living along the 7500 Kilometres long coastal line of India.
Singh said that saline water lantern will also boost and supplement Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s UJALA scheme launched in 2015 for the distribution of LED bulbs across the country.
He said that Roshini lamps along with Power Ministry’s schemes like Solar Study lamps will be driving a vibrant renewable energy programme aimed at achieving energy security, energy access, and reducing the carbon footprints of the national economy. Singh also pointed out that this technology can also be used in hinterlands, where seawater is not available, as any saline water or normal water mixed with the common salt can be used to power the lantern, which is not only cost-effective but very easy to operate.