Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan took to his official Instagram handle and shared a selfie with Saba Azad. For those unaware, the actor is currently enjoying a holiday with his lady love in Argentina. In the caption of his post, Hrithik wrote, “Winter girl #buenosaires #staycurious #adventureon.” Hrithik opted for a blue t-shirt, which he paired with a black sweatshirt and a matching black woolen shawl. The actor completed his look with black sunglasses and a brown cap. On the other hand, Saba looks pretty in a black oversized sweater, and a matching checkered shawl. She completed her look with matching black trousers, a no-make-up look, and a curly hairdo.
Take a look at Hrithik Roshan’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor has a massive line-up of exciting projects. He is reuniting with Siddharth Anand for the upcoming aerial action thriller Fighter. Apart from this, he will reprise his famous character RAW agent Kabir in the upcoming sequel of War, which has been titled War 2. Also, he will play a superhero once again for the much-awaited project Krrish 4.
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