The Himachal Pradesh High Court has dismissed the recall application of former DGP Sanjay Kundu and SP Kangra, Shalini Agnihotri, concerning the case and has ordered the formation of an SIT supervised by IG-level officers for investigation within a week. As per the Supreme Court’s directives, Sanjay Kundu had filed a recall application in the High Court, which was reserved for decision on January 5th. The High Court has directed the SIT to submit a fresh status report in the trial court by February 28th, following the High Court’s orders.
Additionally, the government has been instructed by the High Court to ensure robust security arrangements for businessman Nishant Sharma and his family until further orders.
In the previous hearing, as per the Supreme Court’s orders, both DGP Sanjay Kundu and SP Kangra had submitted a recall application in the High Court, seeking a stay on their transfers, as per the court’s interim order from December 26th regarding the transfer issue. After hearing both officers’ arguments in the previous hearing, the court had reserved its decision. Today, the double bench of the High Court has pronounced its verdict, directing the case not to be transferred to the CBI.
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