Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur laid foundation stones of developmental projects worth Rs. 7.02 crore at Kawar in Rohru Assembly Constituency, the interior area of Shimla district on Wednesday during his one day tour of this area.
Addressing the largely attended public meeting at Kwar, Chief Minister also announced opening of HPSEB Sub Division at Dodra Kwar, Jal Shakti Junior Engineer Section at Dodra, and announced Rs. 20 lakh for Jiskun road, Rs. 15 lakh each for five panchayats of the area for carrying out developmental works in their respective areas. He announced opening of SMS Office at Kwar, and Rs. 10 lakh each for six newly created gram panchayats of Rohru Assembly Constituency for construction of new panchayat bhawans, Rs. 15000 each for 17 mahila mandals of the area from his discretionary fund. He said that matter regarding setting up BSNL and Airtel towers would be taken up with concerned authorities to ensure better signal connectivity in the area.
Jai Ram Thakur said that efforts would be made to bring people of Dodra Kwar area under OBC category and all formalities regarding this would be completed at the earliest. He said that all vacant posts of the different departments including SDM in the area would be filled up on priority basis. He said that Chanshal area would be developed under Nai Raahein Nai Manzilein Scheme for Ski and winter sports destinations. He said that this would give new fillip for tourism activities thereby increasing the economy of the people of the area.
Chief Minister said that efforts would be made to get forest clearance at the earliest from the concerned authorities for construction of three kilometers of road of Himachal side for Gosango, Harli khud, Sewa Dogri to Dhaula road to facilitate the people of Dodra Kwar area which would provide all weather connectivity in Dodra Kwar area. He said that Himachal Pradesh Government would also take up matter regarding providing funds to Uttrakhand Government for construction of this road. He said that Jiskun-Jakha road would also be completed at the earliest.
Chief Minister directed for accelerating the pace of upgradation work of Larot-Dodra Kwar road at the earliest to facilitate the people of the area. He said that any laxity in this matter would be viewed seriously and stern action would be taken against the erring officers and if any contractor was found guilty that would be blacklisted. He also asked the concerned authorities to complete the construction work of buildings of Government Senior Secondary Schools Kwar and Dodra at the earliest to facilitate the students of the area.
Jai Ram Thakur also brought 2500 doses of Covid-19 vaccine for people of Dodra Kwar area from Shimla with him. Students of Dodra Kwar also met the Chief Minister and urged him to open the schools at the earliest.