The monsoon session of the Himachal Pradesh Assembly was adjourned on Friday, after the Congress members started protesting against the Speaker for not being “neutral”. The Opposition boycotted the proceedings and issued a notice to Vidhan Sabha Secretary seeking removal of the Speaker.
Nineteen members of the Congress Legislature Party restrained the Assembly on the last day of the monsoon session. Before the session began, Congress members handed over a notice to the Vidhan Sabha secretary seeking the removal of the Speaker from the office. All 19 members of the Congress had signed and given notice of a resolution under Article 179(c) of Constitutions and Rule 274 (1) of rules of procedure and conduct of business in the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly for removal of the Speaker.
In the notice, the Opposition alleged that Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar has failed to uphold the dignity of the house and his office by refusing discussion on notices given by the Opposition.