The Minister of Forest and Environment, Hemaram Choudhary, has refused to contest elections for the fourth consecutive time. On Thursday, Choudhary demanded from the Congress’s National President, Mallikarjun Kharge, to give an opportunity to a youth leader in his place. He also sent a letter to Kharge regarding this. Hemaram Choudhary has publicly declared his decision several times. In the letter addressed to Mallikarjun Kharge, Hemaram Choudhary wrote, “The party has given me the opportunity to serve the public as a Member of the Legislative Assembly six times. Besides, it provided me with the chance to serve the entire state as a part of the state government’s ministerial council. Now, I am at a stage in life where I am unable to fully commit to active political life. I have always believed that just as the party entrusted me with significant responsibilities at a young age, the same way the younger generation should be given an opportunity.”