Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal announced Mission 60,000, stating that in the coming time, job opportunities would be provided to 60,000 youth from families with an annual income of less than 1.80 lakh rupees. Additionally, recruitment for 60,000 Group C and D positions will be completed in the coming months. The Chief Minister made this announcement during the state-level Swami Vivekananda Youth Conclave in Kurukshetra, commemorating Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary.
Under Mission 60,000, the state government will appoint 7,500 youth from families with an annual income of less than 1.80 lakh rupees as “Van Mitra.” Furthermore, 15,000 contractual employees will be recruited through Haryana Knowledge Corporation Limited (HKCL), and 10,000 youths will be provided training for industrial establishments. Additionally, 7,500 e-service fellows will be appointed for Common Service Centers (CSCs), and 5,000 youths will be facilitated with employment abroad through the Foreign Cooperation Department. The Chief Minister announced the training of 15,000 youths with diplomas/degrees in civil engineering to empower them to become contractors. The government will provide a loan of 3 lakh rupees for one year to these individuals without requiring any collateral. No guarantee for their work, which could be up to 25 lakh rupees, will be needed; instead, the government will provide the guarantee.
The Chief Minister emphasized the government’s goal to increase the annual income of economically weaker families, enabling them to surpass the Below Poverty Line (BPL) limit. He highlighted ongoing recruitment processes for Group C and D examinations and expected results soon. Around 3.25 lakh candidates participated in the CBT (Computer Based Test) for Group D, and the results are anticipated to be announced by evening. The government aims to provide approximately 60,000 jobs for both Group C and D positions within the next few months, in addition to the 1.70 lakh government jobs already provided.
The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has elevated India’s pride and honor on the global stage. The Chief Minister praised the efforts of Prime Minister Modi, stating that, after independence, no one has worked as diligently on the global stage to establish India as the 5th largest economic power. Swami Vivekananda’s life has been a source of inspiration for all, and his representation of India at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 earned global recognition. The Chief Minister also inaugurated the Saraswati Vatika development project in the Irrigation and Water Resources Department during the event, allocating a budget of 3.68 crore rupees in three phases.
BJP State President and MP Nayab Singh Saini commended the Chief Minister for his commendable work for the youth, noting that the government has provided employment to young people without any expenses or paperwork. He expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for showing a new path to the youth. Other political leaders and dignitaries present at the Youth Conclave also acknowledged the Chief Minister’s efforts in empowering the youth and boosting their confidence.