The Chief Secretary of Haryana has issued directives to department heads (HODs) within the Chandigarh administration’s General Pool House, emphasizing the imperative to continually update rental information for government accommodations in the e-housing module. This instruction aims to ensure a streamlined process for officials at the National Informatics Centre (NIC) who handle the collection of monthly license fees from occupants of government residences.
The NIC requires specific details, including the DDO code, comprehensive information, and addresses of individuals residing in these accommodations to facilitate the timely deposit of monthly fees.
A letter circulated to department heads highlighted a critical absence of key information in the Chandigarh administration’s received monthly recovery schedule. This oversight has impeded the smooth functioning of the e-housing system’s update process. Consequently, the Haryana government has urgently requested all departments, boards, and corporations to furnish essential information promptly.
The absence of crucial details has posed a barrier to updating the e-housing system effectively. To mitigate this issue, there’s a pressing need for immediate cooperation from all Haryana government departments, boards, and corporations to ensure the swift availability of the requisite information. This collective effort is crucial for the seamless functioning of the e-housing module and the accurate processing of monthly rental collections for government accommodations.