Chandigarh, April 15: Dr Saamdu Chetri, the ‘Happiness Guru’, author, and principal architect of Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan, was in the city today to address Rotary Club of Chandigarh at Rotary House.
He spoke on ‘Know Thyself’ and explained how human body is so closely intertwined with all the five elements that constitute our universe, like earth, water, fire, air, and ether or space.
Human body draws trillions of cells within from Nature and our surroundings that have been proven by science, and therefore, to respect Nature is most essential to stay in tune with this universe and stay happy, he said. If we continue to exploit and pollute these elements around us, our own cells would get equally degenerated, he added. Dr Chetri who has joined the Shoolini University in September last to setup the Yogananda Centre for Happiness and Wellness at Solan, after having successfully setup a similar Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, which he served for five years.
Dr Chetri had been the Joint Secretary and Head of Good Governance in the first democratically elected Prime Minister’s Office and instituted the Gross National Happiness Centre as one of its founding members and headed it for five years.
A most sought after speaker who addressed even the House of Commons in the British Parliament, Senators of the Philippines, among others, said that there are diverse parameters of happiness and in the Bhtanese culture, the biggest happiness is being content with one’s present for tomorrow we might not be there to see the day.
Contentment, love for all, respect for Nature, gratitude for what we have, forgiveness to all human beings, are some of the key concepts that need to be imbibed and taught to the younger generation right from the childhood to live a happy life, he averred.