After ‘Scam 1992’, filmmaker Hansal Mehta who is all set to come up with a new web series ‘Scoop’, on Thursday, unveiled the teaser and release date. Taking to Instagram, Mehta announced the release date of the upcoming series along with a teaser. Sharing the video, he wrote, “Excited to share that #Scoop which Mrunmayee, Matchbox Shots, Netflix and I have nurtured for nearly 3 years is releasing on June 2, 2023. This one’s very special.”
Take a look at Hansal Mehta’s Instagram post
The teaser video featured Karishma Tanna and Zeeshan Ayyub in intriguing avatars, and there are some newspaper clippings from the whole Jagruti Pathak case. As soon as it was released, fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. The lead of the series, Karishma Tanna wrote, “Sir,” with red heart emoji. One of the users wrote, “Sir, congratulations, eagerly waiting.”
Inspired by Jigna Vora’s book, ‘Behind The Bars In Byculla: My Days in Prison’, ‘Scoop’ is touted as a character drama that traces the journey of Jagruti Pathak, an ambitious crime journalist. Her world comes crashing down when she is charged for the heinous murder of a fellow journalist, Jaideb Sen, and ends up in a prison cell with those she once reported on.
Created by Hansal Mehta and Mrunmayee Lagoo Waikul, the first season will track crime journalist Jagruti Pathak. In pursuit of a career-defining story, she is caught between the powerful nexus of the police, the underworld, and the media, when she is charged with the murder of a fellow journalist. How does a headline-writing journalist become the headline?
Written by Mrunmayee Lagoo Waikul and Mirat Trivedi, the human drama features Karishma Tanna, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, and Harman Baweja with Prosenjit Chatterjee.
The series will be streaming on Netflix from June 2.
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