Former Chairperson of the Rajasthan State Women’s Commission, Suman Sharma, held a press conference at the BJP Media Center. During this, she stated, “Under the rule of Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, cases of women abuse have increased in the state. The situation is such that daughters are now afraid to leave home alone. Daughters are not safe anywhere in the state. In the past two days in the state, nearly a dozen cases of women harassment have come to light, with two of them being gang rape cases. A recent incident in Pratapgarh, where a woman was stripped and paraded, had brought shame to Rajasthan. Moreover, in the same Pratapgarh, a case of sexual assault against the father of Congress candidate Ram Lal Meena has been registered. Before this, Congress ministers Mahesh Joshi and the sons of Jauhari Lal Meena have been accused of sexual misconduct. These cases of sexual misconduct against the relatives of Congress leaders reveal the character and face of the Congress party.”
On this occasion, the state spokesperson Rakhii Rathore said that due to the misrule of the Gehlot government, children born here have been burdened with debts of up to Rs 80,000. She said, “The CM calls himself a fakir, but the truth is that Rajasthan has become a pauper on the economic front due to his misrule.” She further said, “The payment for supplying milk powder in the Bal Gopal Yojana is pending, and pensions for the elderly and disabled are not being paid.”
State spokesperson Puja Kapil said, “Rajasthan is number one in corruption in the country.
In addition, it has now become number one in inflation as well. Electricity, petrol, and diesel rates are the highest here in the country. In addition, there is also inflation in food items. During the BJP rule, the common consumer used to get electricity at a normal rate of Rs. 5.55 per unit. Now it has increased to Rs. 11.90. What kind of treasury is CM Gehlot filling by increasing the VAT on petrol and diesel here, he should make it public.”