LAKHIMPUR KHERI (UP): The police arrested four accused of Lakhimpur Kheri violence on Monday, said a press statement. As per the statement, “Accused Sumit Jaiswal, Shishupal, Nandan Singh Bisht and Satya Prakash Tripathi have been arrested by Lakhimpur Kheri Police and SWAT team of Crime branch. Licensed revolver and three bullets were recovered from Satya Prakash Tripathi and seized.” Earlier, on 16 October, Ankit Das, an accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence had been sent to judicial custody till 22 October.
Das was arrested on 12 October by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Uttar Pradesh Police probing the matter. A court has sent Ankit Das to police custody from 14 to 17 October and judicial custody till 22 October.
A total of eight people including four farmers died in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence. Sanyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), an umbrella body of farmer unions, had alleged MoS Teni’s son Ashish Mishra shot a farmer while the others were run over by the vehicles of his convoy. However, MoS Teni refuted the allegations saying that his son was not present at the site of the incident. Ashish reiterated the same and refuted SKM’s allegations. Three people, including Ashish Mishra, have been arrested in the case so far.