Elon Musk continues to push the boundaries of technology, this time by launching the beta version of X TV, a feature that aims to transform the former Twitter platform, now rebranded as X, into a multimedia powerhouse. The beta version of X TV is currently available to select users, and their feedback will play a crucial role in refining the app for its full release.
A New Era for X: Multimedia Integration
X TV is designed to allow users to watch films and live content directly within the X app, reducing reliance on external media players. This integration is a significant step in Musk’s vision of turning X into a go-to platform for various forms of media, not just microblogging.
Beta Testing and Future Plans
Currently, X TV is in its beta phase and available on Android TVs. It will soon expand to other platforms, including LG, Amazon Fire TV, and Google TV. Early adopters are already exploring the app’s features, and their feedback is expected to guide future updates and improvements.
Key Features of X TV
According to Digit, X TV comes with several innovative features:
-Replay TV: Allows users to store up to 72 hours of shows in the cloud.
-Startover TV: Enables viewers to start any live show from the beginning, even if they join late.
-Free Cloud DVR: Users can record up to 100 hours of content at no extra cost.
These features are expected to make X TV a competitive alternative to other streaming services, enhancing user experience on the platform.
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