Chief Minister Eknath Shinde brought a fresh perspective to the festival of lights, Deepotsav, in the remote and Naxal-prone region of Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra. In a distinctive gesture, he marked the occasion by celebrating Deepotsav with the dedicated police force stationed in the challenging Pipli Burgi village.
The Chief Minister’s presence not only boosted the morale of the jawans engaged in countering Naxalites but also established an emotional connection with the tribal community. During his visit on Wednesday evening, Chief Minister Shinde inaugurated three new buildings within the Pipli Burgi police station, a part of the Etapalli sub-division.
Chief Minister Shinde conducted the Bhumi Pujan for the new administrative building of the police station, the police constable barrack, and the officers’ guest house at Pipli Churni. To mark Bhau Beej, lady police constables and local women performed ‘Aukshan’ to honor Chief Minister Shinde.
As part of an awareness campaign, the Chief Minister distributed essential commodities and utility items to those present during the celebration. Additionally, he took the opportunity to review the performance of the Gadchiroli Police Force and extended congratulations for their achievements.
The event was attended by notable figures, including Deputy Inspector General of Gadchiroli range Sandeep Patil, District Magistrate Sanjay Meena, Superintendent of Police Nilotpal, Additional District Magistrate and Sub-Divisional Officer of Aheri Vaibhav Waghmare, Parminder Singh of the Central Reserve Battalion, Additional Superintendent of Police (Campaign) Anuj Tare, Sub-Divisional Police Officer Sudarshan Rathod, and others.