The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday filed a supplementary charge sheet against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh in a money laundering case. The 7,000-page charge sheet is submitted before the special prevention of money laundering act (PMLA) court. The two sons of Deshmukh have also been named in the chargesheet.
The former Maharashtra Home Minister was arrested by the ED on 1 November in connection with the alleged Rs 100-crore extortion and money laundering case. Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh had accused Anil Deshmukh of asking dismissed assistant
inspector Sachin Vaze to collect Rs 100 crore from hotels and bars in Mumbai every month.
The federal probe agency will record the statement of Deshmukh under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the criminal investigation being carried out by it in the alleged Rs 100 crore bribery-cum-extortion racket in the Maharashtra Police establishment.
It registered a case against Deshmukh and others based on a corruption case filed against him by the CBI.