Amid rising COVID-19 concerns, West Bengal Election Commission on Monday ban road shows and bike rallies during the municipal corporation elections. Municipal corporation elections in Bidhan Nagar, Chandannagar, Asansol and Siliguri are slated to be held on 22 January 2022. In a circular released by the state election commission, “No roadshows, bike rallies allowed during campaigning of municipal polls. Only 5 people allowed for door-to-door campaigning. Political meetings at indoor locations are allowed with 50 per cent capacity. 500 people allowed for political rallies in open space.’
Meanwhile, the state government informed that local train services in Kolkata are now to be extended up to 10 pm in place of 7 pm from Monday. Earlier in the day, Briefing the media, West Bengal Chief Secretary HK Dwivedi said, “All schools, colleges, universities, spas, salons, beauty parlours, zoos, and entertainment parks to be closed in the state from tomorrow.”The government directed all government and private offices to operate at 50 per cent capacity.”