In order to facilitate the rural students of Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar district, especially those surrounding the Majri block, with the latest skill training, the Industrial Training Institute, Manakpur Sharif, will be developed into a state-of-the-art training institute cum skill center, as stated by Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain during her visit to ITI today.
She mentioned that the ITI has been allocated funds worth Rs. 1.28 Crore by Rajya Sabha Member Vikramjit Singh Sahney for installing training equipment in workshops.
The purpose of the Deputy Commissioner’s visit was to address local-level issues such as ground leveling and the disposal of storm sewer and liquid waste.
A local committee management committee (Institutional Management Committee), based on local industrialists, has already been established to design and run courses based on the industry’s needs. In other words, the Industrial Training Institute will function as a Center of Excellence.
The Deputy Commissioner urged the IMC members, who were also present, to actively promote and run the institute to benefit the youth by imparting skills. She mentioned that the institute currently has 85 students, and with the establishment of workshops, the number will increase.
Reiterating the commitment of Bhagwant Singh Mann’s government to skill the youth for better job opportunities, she stated that the institute would soon emerge as a Model ITI.
She was accompanied by ADC (Rural Development) Sonam Chaudhary, AC (Under Training) Davy Goyal (Additional Charge as SDM Kharar), DDPO Amarinder Pal Singh Chauhan, Executive Engineer PWD Shivpreet Singh, along with industrialists.