The Delhi High Court on Monday questioned jail authorities over the recovery of four knives from Tihar premises, where gangster Tillu Tajpuriya was allegedly stabbed to death by inmates belonging to a rival gang. The court asked why no preventive or remedial action was taken by authorities when the incident took place, as the entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed on jail premises.
Justice Jasmeet Singh issued notice to the Director General of Prisons (Delhi), Delhi government, and Commissioner of Police on a petition filed by Tajpuriya’s father and brother seeking an investigation by the CBI into the “brutal murder” inside Tihar Jail premises on 2 May. The petitioners, represented by senior advocate Maninder Singh, said they are DTC drivers and sought adequate security for themselves.
The high court directed the Delhi Police to ensure the safety and security of both the petitioners, who are the father and brother of the deceased, and listed the matter for further hearing on 25 May. It directed the Tihar jail authorities to file an affidavit as to how four knives were found in prison and asked the jail superintendent concerned to be present in court on the next date of hearing.
The accused attacked him for a second time when he was being carried away by security personnel, according to the footage. In the footage, it appears that the security personnel are mute spectators while the assailants keep repeatedly attacking the gangster. According to jail officials, seven personnel of the Tamil Nadu Special Police (TNSP), who were on duty at a Tihar prison cell when Tajpuriya was stabbed to death, have been suspended following the incident.
Meanwhile, Delhi’s Patiala House Court on Monday granted four-day police custody to the four accused arrested in gangster Tillu Tajpuria’s murder in Tihar jail. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Snigdha Sarvaria granted four days of police custody to accused Deepak Dabas alias Teetar, Rajesh Bawana, Yogesh Tunda, and Ariyaz Khan at the Special Cell of the Delhi Police. The accused have been remanded in police custody until 12 May.