MUMBAI: The wait is finally over as filmmaker Shakun Batra, on Monday, revealed the title of his highly anticipated film starring Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday, Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Dhairya Karwa. The movie, which will release on Amazon Prime Video on January 25, is titled ‘Gehraiyaan’. Taking to Instagram, Deepika shared the official teaser of the film and wrote, “A piece of my heart…#Gehraiyaan #25thJanuary.”
‘Gehraiyaan’ is touted as a relationship drama that dives into the depths of complex modern relationships, adulting, letting go and taking control of ones’ life path. Talking more about the film, Shakun Batra said, “Gehraiyaan for me is not just a movie. It is a journey into the intricacies of human relationships, it is a mirror into modern adult relationships, how we traverse through the maze of feelings and emotions and how each step, each decision we make affects our lives and the lives of those around.” ‘Gehraiyaan’ is bankrolled by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions. Naseeruddin Shah and Rajat Kapur are also a part of the film.