In response to the Congress’ pledge to ban the Bajrang Dal in its manifesto for the Karnataka Assembly elections, the state home minister of Madhya Pradesh has questioned Kamal Nath, the Congress state president, about his “Hanuman bhakti” (devotion to Hanuman).
In a letter to Nath on Wednesday, Home Minister Narottam Mishra said, “The Congress may go to any extent for the politics of appeasement.” In his counter, Nath said that even the Supreme Court is saying that action should be taken against those spreading hatred.
“I have written a letter to Kamal Nath. I have seen his many tweets in which he posed himself as a Hanuman devotee. Congress equated Bajrang Dal with PFI. Nath should clarify his stance. This is the same Congress which kept questioning Ram Janmbhoomi,” he said.