Attacking the ruling Congress ahead of the Punjab Assembly polls, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday referring to the security lapse incident during PM Narendra Modi’s visit to the state last month said that Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi had blocked the PM’s route instead of welcoming him, while Shiromani Akali Dal and Aam Aadmi Party remained silent over it.
Addressing a public rally here, Shah said, “Prime Minister Modi had chosen Ferozepore for election campaigning and his rally was scheduled here. But Congress was scared of his rally, so they hired people in an attempt to stop his rally. You can neither stop us like this nor will people of Punjab like your tactics.” “When a guest like Narendra Modi comes to Punjab, should he not be welcomed? Instead of welcoming, Punjab Chief Minister blocked his route. Akali Dal and Aam Aadmi Party remained silent. I would like to tell all three of them – how will those who cannot secure the route of Prime Minister, secure Punjab and secure the nation?” stated the Union Home Minister.
Exuding confidence in the National Democratic Alliance’s (NDA) victory in the upcoming Punjab Assembly polls, Shah said BJP’s lotus will bloom in every household in the state in the next five years. “Under PM Modi’s leadership, BJP is contesting independently along with its two allies. For years, we contested only on 22 seats. I have come to tell Hindu and Sikh brothers and sisters that it is the beginning. In the next five years, we will bring BJP’s Lotus in every household,” he added. On 5 January, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was stuck atop a flyover for 15-20 minutes while on his way to Ferozepur in Punjab due to the road being blocked by some protesters. The Ministry of Home Affairs had termed it as a “major lapse” in his security. The polling in Punjab will take place in a single phase on 20 February. The votes will be counted on 10 March.