Former Rajya Sabha MP and state spokesperson Ram Kumar Verma held a press conference at the BJP Media Center and said that the Congress has always oppressed Dalits. He said, “For five years, the Congress government in Rajasthan was engaged in the ‘save the chair’ campaign. Meanwhile, the public suffered from misrule, corruption, lawlessness, and deteriorating law and order. As a result, corruption in Rajasthan reached its peak, and the situation of law and order deteriorated, affecting the poor and marginalised the most.”
He said, “When Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in 2014, he pledged to prioritise service, good governance, and the welfare of the poor. He had said that our central focus would be development, and our priority would be comprehensive development without discrimination. The work that Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar had done in the direction of social and economic justice, PM Modi has continued.”
Meanwhile, BJP state spokesperson Amit Goyal said that those who used to accuse the BJP of building temples but not specifying dates have received an answer. Goyal said, “It has been announced that on January 22, 2024, the installation of Lord Ram will take place in the grand temple of Lord Shri Ram. He said that the Congress party, which ruled for the longest time in the country, committed the sin of calling Lord Shri Ram imaginary. Congress leader and lawyer Kapil Sibal worked to obstruct the construction of Lord Shri Ram’s temple during the court hearing in 2019. The Congress government in the state is working on a complete appeasement policy. However, after the BJP government came to power at the centre in 2014, our country has moved away from appeasement towards satisfaction by removing appeasement.”