The Education Department built up to 8,000 classrooms and recruited 17,000 teachers during the incumbent BJP government in Karnataka, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said on Sunday. The chief minister made the remark on Sunday while addressing supporters during a roadshow in support of the BJP’s Tiptur candidate, BC Nagesh. He said these recruitments were clean and did not involve any corruption or foul play. Taking a swipe at the previous Congress government, CM Bommai said that during the rule of his predecessor Siddaramaiah, people were appointed to teaching posts without even applying for the jobs.
Taking a swipe at the previous Congress government, CM Bommai said that during the rule of his predecessor Siddaramaiah, people were appointed to teaching posts without even applying for the jobs. He claimed further that the erstwhile government was neck-deep in corruption and indulged in many corrupt practises, ranging from recruitment scams to similar irregularities in education.
Throwing his weight behind the party’s candidate, CM Bommai said, “The people of Tiptur, the land of Kalpavruksha, have been supporting Nagesh.