Chandigarh Police’s PO and summon staff successfully apprehended seven proclaimed offender fugitives, including one individual wanted under the NDPS Act for a five-year-old case. Hariom Sharma, Inspector/Incharge of PO and Summons Staff, shared that the team successfully arrested individuals involved in various cases.
Among them were a PO linked to a 5-year-old NDPS Act case, another involved in an 8-year-old assault case on women, a declared criminal related to theft, and 4 others, including a PO connected to a year-old case, a PO involved in a 6-year-old case of public alcohol consumption, and a PO linked to an 8-year-old rash driving case.
PO Sarabjit Singh from village Khamano, Fatehgarh Sahib, was apprehended in Sector 71, Mohali, Punjab, under the NDPS Act from Police Station-39 and Police Station 39, Chandigarh. He had been declared a PO by the court for failing to appear.
PO Raju, resident of Sodhi Service Station, Mansa Devi Road, Manimajra, Chandigarh, was arrested in Manimajra under the Excise Act from Police Station IT Park, Chandigarh, having been declared by the court in the case.
PO Ravi Kumar from Small Flats EWS Colony Dhanas, Chandigarh, was arrested in EWS
Colony Dhanas in a case registered under the local police station. PO Dhanbir Kami from Janata Colony, Naya Gaon, Mohali, was arrested in Khudda Jassu, Chandigarh, under a case registered in Police Station 26. PO Aurangzeb Khan from Balmiki Mohalla, Burail, Chandigarh, was arrested near Ramlila Ground, Chandigarh, in a case from Police Station Maloya.
PO Deepak from village Daddu Majra, Chandigarh, was arrested from Police Station PS Maloya, Chandigarh, in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. Shera from Darshani Bagh, Mani Majra, Chandigarh, was arrested in a case from Police Station Manimajra after arrest warrants were issued by the court. All the accused were produced before the court and subsequently sent to judicial custody.