In commemoration of ‘100 years of Bollywood’, a live audio-visual musical journey of songs from 1913 to 2013, covering songs from Raja Harishchandra to Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani, from Prithviraj Kapoor to Ranbir Kapoor, from Saigal to Sonu Nigam, will be held. The event, which will also be a fundraiser, will be organised by Gunjan Foundation at Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, at 06:30 p.m on 10 October, 2022. The proceeds from this show will go towards the education of underprivileged children, for the foundation expects all children in the community to learn and experience school education.
Sushma Singhvi founded the Gunjan Foundation, a non-governmental social organization, in 2004 with the mission of pursuing educational and other welfare measures to uplift marginalised sections of society.
The Gunjan Foundation is providing full scholarships to about 200 school students. It has now widened its horizons further. Its vision also includes continuing to support advanced and professional courses in the future. For the past five years, Gunjan has been financially supporting four to five marginalised students who are pursuing such advanced and professional courses. This year, Gunjan Foundation’s first batch has passed out from the 12th grade, ready to embrace the growth opportunities of the world. Not wanting to leave these students midstream, it is also Gunjan’s endeavour now to see these students through college. The Gunjan Foundation is planning to provide scholarships to deserving students for higher studies.