BJP MLA candidate Diya Kumari won the Vidhyadhar Nagar against Congress’ Sitaram Agarwal with a margin of 71368 votes. While addressing the media, Diya Kumari said, “The credit for this win goes to PM Modi, Amit Shah ji, JP Nadda ji, state leaders and party workers. Modi Ji’s magic worked in Rajasthan and also in MP and Chhattisgarh…We will ensure good governance and development in the state. Law and order will be seen in the state now. The top leadership of the party will decide on who will be the CM.” Vidhyadhar Nagar is an Assembly constituency in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan.
Diya Kumari is the granddaughter of Man Singh II, the last ruling maharaja of the princely state of Jaipur. Her appeal for votes was made as a “daughter of Jaipur” and the “princess who walks on the streets”.
Since joining the BJP in 2013, Diya Kumari has won the two elections she contested. She became an elected Member of the Legislative Assembly of Rajasthan from the Sawai Madhopur constituency in 2013. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, she was elected as an MP from Rajsamand.
Rajasthan went to the polls on 199 of 200 assembly seats on November 25. The majority mark in the state is 100. In the Karanpur constituency, elections were adjourned due to the passing of Congress candidate Gurmeet Singh Koonar.