BJP’s National General Secretary and State In-charge Arun Singh, addressing a press conference in Dholpur, said that the BJP will release its manifesto on Thursday. Singh said that it will outline the roadmap for the development and welfare works in the state for the next five years. He said that the people of the state are distressed by corruption, and there is widespread resentment among youth, farmers, and women towards this government.
Singh stated, “Part two of the Laal Diary, which contains dark deeds, has also come before the public. However, the Chief Minister says that there is nothing in the Lal Diary, while it is hiding the dark deeds of the Congress government in the state. In Bharatpur, Sant Vijaydas fights a long battle against corruption and commits suicide in distress.”
He added, “We did not bring the Lal Diary to the forefront. It was Congress minister Rajendra Gudha who brought this Lal Diary to light. As soon as Congress leader Dharmendra Rathore came in front of this, he ran away with the Laal Diary, which makes it clear that it contains hidden dark deeds that are slowly coming out. There is still time for Chief Minister Gehlot to come in front of the public and accept the truth.”
Leader of the opposition, Rajendra Rathore, also countered the statement on Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s Laal Diary. He asked, “Why does CM Gehlot get so nervous at the names of PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah? Whenever the top leaders of the BJP visit Rajasthan, Gehlot’s heart rate increases.
In the turmoil of this anxiety, he not only indulges in senseless statements but is also losing control over his own statements.”
He said that due to the tension of the Laal Diary, Gehlot is changing his statements every day. Rathore said, “Initially, he said that there is nothing like the Laal Diary.
After that, when the Congress National President, Mallikarjun Kharge, said that the Laal Diary mentions that Congress is winning, CM Gehlot is now claiming that the Laal Diary is a conspiracy of the Central Home Ministry. Why doesn’t Gehlot clarify his stance once? As the pages of the Laal Diary are coming before the public, Gehlot’s nervousness is increasing.”