Amid the Enforcement Directorate’s grilling of former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot launched a blistering attack on the central investigation agency, saying that the ED does not pay attention to the massive corruption that is rampant over the last eight years under this government.
Furthering his tirade at the BJP and the RSS, the Rajasthan CM further questioned why no questioning is being done in many other multi-crore money laundering cases. Ashok Gehlot further accused the BJP and RSS of ‘looting the country.’ “Be it the BJP or the RSS, everyone is looting, they are not paying attention to it. The PM should come forward and address inflation, unemployment, tension, and violence,” the Rajasthan CM said. He said that the BJP is winning elections repeatedly on the ploy of Hindutva. But how long will they continue to succeed on this agenda, asks Gehlot. They (BJP) have become arrogant, he alleged.
Gehlot was talking to reporters here on Tuesday. He said that ED should disclose under whose pressure it is working. The cases which were closed after several arguments in 2015 have been reopened to target our leaders, Gehlot alleged.
The Rajasthan CM is relentlessly leading the Congress attack from the front against the ED’s “illogical” questioning from Rahul Gandhi.
Gehlot alleged that the central agencies are being misused without stopping for the last eight years now, and people are really unhappy with all this practice. “People are under fear. Is it right for people to be under fear in a democracy?” Gehlot pointed out. “If this practice continues and agencies like ED and CBI continue to be misused to target political opponents, the people of this country would not spare you (Prime Minister),” Gehlot roared.