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  • Best ways to release happiness hormones and change your mood

Best ways to release happiness hormones and change your mood

Over the last week or so, a WhatsApp forward explaining different hacks for achieving happiness through the release of certain hormones, has been doing the rounds. The forward categorises the following chemicals— dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, as per the activities that lead to these hormones being released in one’s body. The post touches on […]

Best ways to release happiness hormones and change your mood

Over the last week or so, a WhatsApp forward explaining different hacks for achieving happiness through the release of certain hormones, has been doing the rounds. The forward categorises the following chemicals— dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, as per the activities that lead to these hormones being released in one’s body. The post touches on some universal truths, yet made me think of my pick of activities when I need mood enhancement. Here are the seven best ways to release happiness hormones and change your mood:


Loneliness is often the biggest cause of unhappiness. Sometimes, even though people live with family members, the lack of communication makes them feel disconnected. A simple way to combat this is to eat your meals together as a family and shun technological devices for that time. You should also call up long-lost friends or cousins for an instant dose of happiness.


 Even though family time is important for general well-being, sharing space with others can be a cause for strife. It is important to make time for oneself by doing things we love. Something as simple as listening to music and drinking a cup of tea. You should prioritise making time for yourself every day.


The earlier you begin your day, the more time and energy you have to be productive, which in turn releases happiness hormones. Even if you are a night owl, following the same schedule on a daily basis makes you more productive. Hence, try to fix hours for work and breaks at the same time every day.


Physical exertion of any kind has many benefits. It keeps you slim and healthy along with regulating your sleep habits and intake of unhealthy foods. The most immediate benefit of exercise, however, is the quick release of happy hormones to lift your mood. Exercising outdoors has even more benefits than working out in a gym, as you feel connected to nature. Go for a walk or a jog, cycle around your neighbourhood if possible, and if exercising outdoors is not an option for you, then break a sweat by dancing to your favourite numbers.


Eating a clean and green diet with fibre-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, makes you feel lighter and more energetic. Cutting down on carbohydrates also contributes to that feeling. However, it is important to balance out your food intake by indulging in your favourite cheat meals at least once a week. This ensures you never feel deprived, which may lead to unhealthy binge-eating!


 Mild forms of entertainment such as reading an engrossing mystery novel or watching a comic television show are guaranteed to brighten your mood by releasing happy hormones. Be mindful, however, that you do not bury yourself under the covers reading a book, or watch TV all day long. Any act performed in moderation brings the most equanimity, which is the secret for long-lasting happiness. Further, avoid distressing subjects that may give you more stress than you need!


Meditation is a proven relaxation and stress-release technique. No matter your personal situation, putting away all devices and zoning in to a quiet inner space, has numerous self-care benefits. You can set the mood by playing soulful music in the background, or following along to guided meditation through an online teacher or app. Of all the points listed above, this one is the easiest to perform and has universal application, as it can be done at any time of the day. Simply ten minutes of focussed meditation before going to bed will help you.

Though sometimes it feels difficult to achieve, happiness is not far from your grasp if you make an effort toward achieving it. Try incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine and observe the changes in your mood.

The writer is a lawyer who pens lifestyle articles on her successful blog www.nooranandchawla.com. She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla.

