The actor was invited a Special Guest for the Republic Day Celebrations in Australia. The Versatile actor Arjun Rampal was seen at the Mumbai Airport recently looking dapper in a blazer and that trademark suave with which he carries himself.
Arjun was invited as a special guest for the Republic Day Celebrations in Australia. The streets of Sydney were packed and the patriotic spirit was in the air as Rampal hoisted the Indian flag. He took to his social media to say that, “Happy 74th Republic Day, celebrating with the wonderful Indian community in Sydney, the warmth of India transcends all boundaries #littleindiasydney #proudtobeindian #republicday2023 #australia #australiaday.”
Images of Arjun hoisting the Indian flag along with the Indian community soon flooded the internet and made one feel so proud of an actor who has always pushed the envelope when it comes to choosing interesting roles from Daddy to Rock On and made India proud on a global scale. Incidentally, 26th Jan also marks Australia Day. This is the official National Day of Australia. Observed annually on 26th January, it marks the 1788 landing of the first fleet at Sydney Cove. The event was organised by Vickyy Paul of Master Marketers Australia.
The warmth and patriotism of the images was reflected in the videos as well. Jai Hind !