Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan took to Instagram and shared a cryptic post on Friday after being criticised by Mumbai police for not wearing a helmet while pillion riding on a bike in the city.
Taking to Instagram, Big B posted a photo of himself, standing disappointed near a police jeep and captioned it as, ”…. arrested ..” Amitabh’s post tickled fans and colleagues’ curiosity in no time. One of the users wrote, “Don ko pakadna Mushkil hee nahi… Naamumkin hai Sir.” “It must be a joke..!! arrest karne ki taakat kisi mein nhi..!! yeh shayad kuch normal si formalities puri krne gaye honge.. sir ji ko chhoo bhi ske aisa koi paidaa nhi hua..!”, another commented. Another fan commented, “Sir, again without a helmet.”