NEW DELHI: Bollywood star Akshay Kumar, on Friday, shared the first song from his upcoming spy film, ‘Bell Bottom’. The soulful track titled ‘Marjaawaan’ features Akshay along with actor Vaani Kapoor in a romantic avatar, which is bound to leave the audience in awe of their crackling chemistry.
The ‘Airlift’ actor took to his Instagram handle and shared the music video of the song, along with the caption, “My favourite song, #Marjaawaan from #Bellbottom out now! This tune has been stuck in my head ever since the shoot Watch the full video on the @saregama_official Music YouTube Channel.” The romantic track commences with Akshay singing at a family event while strumming a guitar. Vaani comes into the frame and smiles looking at him as others around them swing to the music.
The song’s video then transitions to a picturesque train journey with Akshay hanging from the door, as Vaani gives him a hug, still smiling at his antics. The lovebirds then dance in foreign locations, chill by some beaches with a husky joining them for drinks.
Towards the end of the almost three-minute-long video, they ultimately propose each other, and the frame once again transitions back to the family event they were initially at. ‘Marjaawaan’ has been crooned, composed and penned by Gurnazar Singh. Asees Kaur has given the female vocals. Directed by Ranjit M. Tewari, ‘Bell Bottom’ is being touted as a spy thriller. Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani have produced the project, which also features actors, Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta Bhupathi. Last year, the film made headlines for being the first Hindi film to be shot