Akanksha Dubey, a 25-year-old Bhojpuri actress, allegedly committed suicide on Saturday, 26th March. The actress was discovered dead in her hotel room in Varanasi, where she was filming her new film.
Later, her mother Madhu Dubey filed a complaint at the Sarnath police station and requested a CBI investigation into her Bhojpuri actor boyfriend Samar Singh and his brother Sanjay Singh. Akanksha’s mother Madhu has reportedly claimed that the actor threatened to kill her daughter.
According to Dubey’s initial post mortem report, no injury marks were discovered on her body. According to police, a post-mortem examination confirmed that the actress died as a result of hanging. Police are looking for a man who dropped Akanksha off at her hotel room on the night she died and stayed for 17 minutes.
Akanksha’s mother filed a FIR at Sarnath police station against her ex-boyfriend singer-actor Samar Singh and his brother Sanjay Singh, and the police are trying to apprehend them by conducting raids in various locations.
According to the report, Samar wanted Akanksha to only work with him and would physically assault her if she worked with another actor. The actress went live on Instagram hours before her suicide and appeared to be having a nervous breakdown.