Bollywood power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are having a gala time enjoying a vacation in New York along with their daughter Raha. They met with Afghan cricketer Rashid Khan. Taking to Instagram, the cricketer shared a picture of him with the gorgeous couple. In the picture, the cricketer stood in the center as the trio posed for the camera with a smile. Dressed in a plain black t-shirt and pants, the gorgeous Alia looked refreshing. RK also sported a loungewear set and had a cap on. In the caption of his post, the cricketer wrote, “With Bollywood’s biggest It was lovely to meet you #RANBIR @aliaabhatt.”
Take a look at Rashid Khan’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia is currently basking in the success of her film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’, which also stars Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi and Jaya Bachchan. The film is directed by Karan Johar. Alia is also all set to receive her first-ever National Award this year. Last month, she was announced as the winner of Best Actor (female) at the 69th National Film Awards. On the other hand, Ranbir Kapoor was last seen in Luv Ranjan’s romantic comedy Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar alongside Shraddha Kapoor. The actor will be next seen in the action thriller Animal directed by Sandeep Vanga Reddy. It was originally ready to be released in August but was pushed to December 1st because of pending VFX work.
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