The Tripura government on Sunday cancelled Lok Sabha MP and Trinamool Congress (TMC) National General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee’s program at Baramura eco-park, stating that no prior permission was taken.
In a letter from Sub-divisional police, Teliamura to DG security West Bengal, Tripura government informed, “It is to inform you that, on 02.01,2022 Lam Phiyoknai Trust have already taken permission from the SDFO, Teliarnura to organize a programme in front of Haithai Kotor Cafeteria (Baram Ecological Park) where the Hon’ble Minister of Tripura Shri Mebar Kumar Jamatia will attend in the said programme and even there is no prior permission from the appropriate authority to organize a programme at Baramura Ecological Park by Shri Ablusbek Banarjee, Hon’ble MP of Lok Sabha on 02.01.2022.” “Under the above circumstances, you are informed the programme at Baramura Ecologic Park cannot be allowed on 02.01.2022. We expect your cooperation in this regard,” added the letter.
Reacting to this, All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) Tripura, tweeted, “@BjpBiplab, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? Shri @abhishekaitc’s programme at Baramura ECO park was cancelled at the last minute by the administration. SHAME! We WILL NOT be intimated by @BJP4Tripura’s fear-mongering tactics. Nothing can stop us from public service.”
Abhishek Banerjee was to visit Agartala on Sunday where he was scheduled to be felicitated by a non-political tribal at Baramura eco-park followed by an interaction with TMC workers.