PM Narendra Modi on Tuesday said he was eagerly awaiting the 100th episode of his radio programme ‘Mann Ki Baat’, scheduled to be broadcast on April 30. According to the reports, Bollywood actors Raveena Tandon and Aamir Khan, sportsperson Deepa Malik and Nikhat Zareen, journalists, radio jockeys, and entrepreneurs, will participate in the discussions at a day-long conclave.
In a statement to PTI, the ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ actor said, “It’s a very important piece of communication that the leader of the country does with the people, discussing important issues, putting forward thoughts, and giving suggestions.”
Further, he added, “That is how you lead, with communication. You tell your people what you are looking at, how you are seeing the future, how you want their support. This is very important communication that happens in Mann Ki Baat.”
Have a look
For those unaware, the event that is being organised by the I&B Ministry will be attended by over 100 citizens from across the country.
The one-day conclave will be held in Delhi.
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