According to reports, a fatal fire occurred on Wednesday night at Gandhi Nagar Market in east Delhi. According to news agency ANI, which cited the police, the body of a 19-year-old worker was discovered on the second level of a store where the fire started. After the fire started, the victim, Shehnawaj, became trapped inside, according to ADO Sumit Kumar of the Delhi Fire Service.
According to reports, the shop in Nehru Lane, where the majority of clothing and hosiery stores are located, is where the fire started.
The fire, which the fire department had classified as “medium,” required the use of 28 fire engines, according to deputy chief fire officer SK Dua. The official had added that by night, firefighters had been able to contain the fire to the top levels. The store had a total of four storeys plus the ground.
The fire service received a report from the neighbourhood about 5.40 pm on Wednesday, and about 30 fire tenders went to the scene. Due to the lack of water sources close to the scene of the incident, the firemen had difficulties putting out the fire. The cloth market’s tight alley reportedly required the fire tenders to be stationed elsewhere.
Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister, also tweeted about the event, “It’s really regrettable that there was a fire at Gandhinagar’s textile market. The fire crew is actively putting out the flames. I am getting all of the incidental information from the district administration. May Lord Shri Ram protect all of us.”
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