Since over 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, it becomes crucial to include gut-friendly foods in our diet.


The gut plays an enormous role in our overall health and well-being. The good bacteria in the gut produce vitamins, support the immune system, defend us against harmful bacteria, and assist digestion. The fact that more than 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, it becomes crucial to include gut-friendly foods in our diet. 

Below mentioned are some of the foods to keep our gut healthy:

Rice Kanji: As probiotics help in promoting a healthy balance of the gut bacteria and boost immunity, what could be better than making your probiotics at home in a traditional way? For making rice kanji, all you need is an earthen pot, leftover cooked rice and water. Take one to three tablespoons of cooked white rice and put it in a mud pot, add some water and leave it overnight. Have this mixture the next day on an empty stomach. The rich fibre content present in rice kanji prevents constipation and smoothens bowel movements, plus the fermented rice helps nourish our gut microflora. 

Resistant starch: If you have not already come across resistant starch, now is the time. One of the most effective ways to promote gut health, resistant starch, a carbohydrate that resists digestion in the small intestine and ferments in the large intestine, increases the feeling of fullness, prevents and eases constipation, manages cholesterol, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. As resistant starch is fermented slowly, it causes less gas than other fibres. It is also helpful in the case of diabetes. Foods that contain resistant starch include cooked and cooled potato and rice, raw banana, jackfruit, oats, etc. 

Ghee: Ghee is one of the most healing food for your gut. The importance of ghee can also be found in Ayurveda which goes on to say that, ghee improves the absorption ability of the small intestines and decreases the acidic PH of our gut. The butyric acid present in ghee along with vitamins A, D, E, and K promotes gut health, aids in boosting immunity, lubricates joints and strengthens our bones.It alsohelps to maintain the integrity of the gut wall, especially in the case of a leaky gut where there is an increase in intestinal permeability. It is recommended to consume two to three teaspoons of ethically sourced A2 cow’s ghee daily. Either eat it raw or apply over roti or mix it in the dal. 

Apple Cider Vinegar: While we focus on probiotics, it is also important to keep your prebiotics in check. Prebiotics are food for probiotics. One can keep on adding probiotics, but if you are not giving fuel to the body in the form of prebiotics, the whole effort will go in vain. ACV helps in the lining of the gut, low acid levels in your stomach, and eases inflammation. 

Triphala: A gift of Ayurveda, Triphala has been around for decades now. An amazing combination of three Indian superfruits, Amalaki, Bibhitaka and Haritaki, Triphala exhibits powerful medicinal properties and is considered to be a superfood for gut health. It stimulates appetite, increases energy levels and makes us feel rejuvenated. Triphala allows the good bacteria to grow in our gut the right way and therefore, it is powerful in handling digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, constipation, etc. It keeps the large intestine, small intestine and stomach healthy and clean by flushing out toxins. In addition to this, Triphala works as a mild laxative and can help ease bowel movements and develop well-formed stools. And this does not just stop here, Triphala cleans up our bowels in a super effective way. It can even help us pass out faecal matter that may have been left dried up in the colon for a long time. 

Soaked black raisins: Soaked black raisins, packed with soluble fibre, are great for our gastrointestinal health. Its intake, especially early in the morning, helps to relieve constipation, keep bowel movements smooth and eliminate waste products and toxins from the body. Along with anti-inflammatory properties, they are also known to bring instant relief to bloating, acid reflux, and flatulence and help regulate the balance of bacteria in your gut.

Sabja seed: Sabja seeds offer immense health benefits. Rich in essential fats, and fibre, these seeds naturally detoxify your body by regulating smooth bowel movement. It acts as a cooling food and contains a volatile oil that helps in relieving gas from your gastrointestinal tract and acts as a stomach cleanser. Consume sabja seeds after soaking them in water which makes them more gelatinous. 

In conclusion, while you opt for the above-mentioned foods, fill your daily nutrition with diversity, as a diverse diet leads to diverse gut microflora, to boost your health, especially gut health. Along with diet, the focus should also be on drinking plenty of water, emotional health, sleep and physical activity which not only enables the fibre to do its job properly in your gut but also helps keep your digestive system running smoothly.  

The writer is the Co-founder of You Care Lifestyle.

Fill your daily nutrition with diversity, as a diverse diet leads to diverse gut microflora, to boost your health, especially gut health. Along with diet, the focus should also be on drinking plenty of water, emotional health, sleep and physical activity which not only enables the fibre to do its job properly in your gut but also helps keep your digestive system running smoothly.

