MUMBAI : The makers of the much-awaited film ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’, starring Ayushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor in the lead roles, have released an enthralling trailer of the film on Monday. The nearly three minutes long trailer opens with Ayushmann’s character Manu Munjal, a weightlifting champion and fitness trainer in Chandigarh, who falls in love with Maanvi Brar, the new Zumba instructor at his gym, essayed by Vaani. Things go awry when Manu proposes to Maanvi, who reportedly reveals she is transgender.
The trailer is also peppered with comic scenes and drama, giving a glimpse of a ‘mind-bending love story’. The movie by ace filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor marks the first-ever collaboration between Ayushmann and Vaani. ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’, which wrapped its shoot in late December last year, was the first Indian film to complete the entire shooting during the pandemic. The film has been produced by T-Series in collaboration with Guy In the Sky Pictures, and is all set for its theatrical release on 10 December 2021.