Former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday appealed that ‘Lakhimpur Kisan Memorial Day’ should be observed on the third day of every month to remind people of the brutality of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“This is an appeal to all the residents of UP, well-wishers of farmers, SP and other allied parties to observe ‘Lakhimpur Kisan Memorial Day’ on the 3rd of every month from now on and remind people of the brutality of BJP,” Yadav said in a tweet (roughly translated from Hindi). A total of eight people including four farmers died in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri violence that took place on October 3.
Local farmers blame Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Ajay Kumar Mishra ‘Teni’ and his son for the violence. They were allegedly mowed down by a vehicle that was part of the convoy of the Minister in Lakhimpur Kheri.
However, MoS Teni had refuted the allegations saying that his son was not present at the site of the incident.
Uttar Pradesh police has so far arrested three people including Ashish Mishra.