Created by award-winning director Ram Madhvani, Aarya 2 co-produced by Endemol Shine India and Ram Madhvani Films brings to light Aarya Sareen’s journey from being powerless to fearless.
After emerging as one of the most gripping thrillers from India with an International Emmy nomination for best drama series, Aarya is set to hit the digital scene with Season 2will be available only on Disney+ Hotstar on 10th December 2021.
Ahead of the release of the second season of Aarya, Sushmita Sen has opened up on her experience of shooting for the show in the midst of a pandemic. Sushmita shared, “We’ve become lockdown specialists now! We either release during a lockdown or shoot during it, that’s our new thing! When we completed the shoot for Aarya 2 , on our farewell, we said how blessed we were to be working during the pandemic. There were so many people who had to sit at home, but this is also a nice culmination of teamwork. We had Disney+Hotstar, Ram Madhvani film, the entire crew and the cast together. Everyone just pulled in following the rules and making it possible.”