A 53-year-old man died on Thursday when a portion of the Gokulpuri Metro Station on the Pink Line in northeast Delhi collapsed, police said. The man was on his scooter when he came under the debris of the collapsed wall of the elevated station platform at around 11 am. The deceased was identified as Vinod Kumar by police, a resident of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Colony of nearby Karawal Nagar area.
Meanwhile three Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) employees have been immediately suspended.
An amount of 25 lakhs will be paid to the next of kin of the deceased Vinod Kumar as compensation. The four injured people have been identified as Ajit Kumar (21), Monu (19), Sandeep (27) and Mohd Tazir (24), all residents of New Delhi. “Two DMRC officials from the Civil Department of Manager Level and Junior Engineer have been immediately put on suspension, pending enquiry,” Anuj Dayal, Principal Executive Director, of Corporate Communications, DMRC, said in a statement. According to the DCP (Northeast), Joy Tirkey, “One person died in a side slab collapse incident at Gokulpuri metro station.”
“DMRC will be further investigating the circumstances leading to this incident to take necessary remedial measures to prevent such unfortunate occurrences in the future,” Dayal added.