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Old Kalka Road in deteriorating condition as administration remains unresponsive

The condition of Old Kalka Road, a crucial route for alleviating traffic congestion in Zirakpur, has deteriorated to alarming levels, raising concerns among residents and local authorities. Deep potholes, some reaching depths of one to one and a half feet, have emerged along the roadway, creating hazardous conditions that could easily lead to serious accidents. […]

The road’s poor state is attributed to excavation work conducted by private companies over two and a half years ago to lay electricity wires and fiber optic cables.
The road’s poor state is attributed to excavation work conducted by private companies over two and a half years ago to lay electricity wires and fiber optic cables.

The condition of Old Kalka Road, a crucial route for alleviating traffic congestion in Zirakpur, has deteriorated to alarming levels, raising concerns among residents and local authorities. Deep potholes, some reaching depths of one to one and a half feet, have emerged along the roadway, creating hazardous conditions that could easily lead to serious accidents. The situation has become so dire that many locals are comparing the inaction of the administration to Kumbhakarna, the mythological giant known for his deep slumber.
The road’s poor state is attributed to excavation work conducted by private companies over two and a half years ago to lay electricity wires and fiber optic cables. After the installation, the contractor failed to properly compact the soil, resulting in significant depressions on both sides of the road. Today, these areas are riddled with holes that pose a serious threat to motorists and pedestrians alike. Injuries from falls into these pits have been reported among two-wheeler riders, auto drivers, and even schoolchildren, particularly during nighttime and rainy conditions when the potholes are filled with water and their depths become obscured.
Despite the road’s ample width of 100 feet, many individuals are reluctant to use it, opting for longer detours to avoid the treacherous conditions. Old Kalka Road serves as the main thoroughfare for several residential societies and is a vital route for commuters traveling from Panchkula. However, the ongoing deterioration has not only led to increased vehicle damage but has also sparked demands for urgent repairs from both locals and shopkeepers. They are urging the authorities to take immediate action to prevent tragedies similar to the recent incident in Panchkula, where a three-year-old child tragically drowned due to unsafe conditions.
In an effort to mitigate the dangers posed by the potholes, local social welfare organizations have attempted to fill the depressions with pebbles, gravel, and soil. Unfortunately, these temporary fixes have proven ineffective, as rain and constant vehicle traffic continue to deepen the potholes. Community members are now calling for a complete reconstruction of the road to ensure safety and prevent further accidents.
As a makeshift warning, residents have resorted to placing bags on sticks in the middle of the road to alert passersby about the hazardous pits. One particularly deep pit, measuring over three feet, has been marked in this manner, emphasizing the urgent need for administrative attention. Despite repeated notifications to local officials, little has been done to address the issue, leading many to believe that the administration is waiting for a serious accident to occur before taking action.
In response to the growing concerns, a local official stated, “We have not been informed about this by anyone. However, I will send a team tomorrow to check the matter and send the estimate of the road so that the road work can be started without any delay.” The community hopes that this acknowledgment will lead to prompt action, bringing much-needed relief and safety to Old Kalka Road.

